Increase your Intelligence

The following questionnaire was designed to determine how much you can improve your intelligence, i.e. to calculate the possible number of IQ points you could gain (given proper training).

If you wish to discover your true potential, please respond to the following questions (always one and only one response per question):

1- What is your current IQ? (based on a test with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15)

A) Below 100

B) Between 100 and 130

C) Above 130

2- How old are you? (you must be at least 18)

A) Between 18 and 30

B) Between 30 and 70

C) Above 70

3- What is your level of education?

A) No high school diploma

B) High school diploma

C) Associate’s degree (+2 years after high school)

D) Bachelor’s degree (+4 years after high school)

E) Master’s degree (+6 years after high school)

F) Ph.D. degree (+8 years or more after high school)

4- How much do you agree with the following statement?

“I am well prepared to take an IQ test.”

A) Strongly Disagree

B) Disagree

C) Undecided

D) Agree

E) Strongly Agree

5- How often do you engage in activities or play games to sharpen your logic skills (such as chess, crosswords or Sudoku)?

A) Never

B) Rarely

C) Sometimes

D) Often

E) Always

6- Are you a person with a mental disability as defined by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA)?

A) No

B) Yes

7- How much do you agree with the following statement?

“When dealing with an intellectually challenging problem, I persistently try to solve it.”

A) Strongly Disagree

B) Disagree

C) Undecided

D) Agree

E) Strongly Agree

8- Do you suffer from test anxiety?

A) Never

B) Rarely

C) Sometimes

D) Often

E) Always

9- Do you suffer from a lack of self-confidence?

A) Never

B) Rarely

C) Sometimes

D) Often

E) Always

10- How much do you agree with the following statement?

“I consider myself to be an underachiever.”

A) Strongly Disagree

B) Disagree

C) Undecided

D) Agree

E) Strongly Agree